Integralia Schachtelhalm-Extrakt-Komplex 50 ml


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Schachtelhalm-Extrakt-Komplex 50 ml
Schachtelhalm-Extrakt-Komplex 50 ml


Integralia horsetail complex extract 50ml by properties of its ingredients, give it a high depurative value, diuretic, digestive and drainage of the organs and viscera of the digestive system. Perfect for drainage and purification diets.

Horsetail: Diuretic, remineralizing, hemostatic.

Dandelion: Diuretics, choleric, depurative and weakly laxatives.

Birch: Diuretic, anti-inflammatory, febrifuge, astringent.

Directions for use: Take 15 to 30 drops of Cola Caballo Complex 1 or 2 times a day. 

It can be taken diluted in a glass of water or in an infusion.


  • Referenz8436000542462
  • MarkeIntegralia


Integralia Schachtelhalm-Extrakt-Komplex 50 ml

Schachtelhalm-Extrakt-Komplex 50 ml

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